Divorce can be an extremely stressful process and the decisions made can have major, long term financial consequences. Accordingly, it is crucial that specialist financial advice is sought to ensure accurate information is obtained and appropriate decisions made with regard to the distribution of marital assets and future wealth management.

Whatever the reason for the split, you will probably be faced with all sorts of questions, such as:

  • Where will I live and what can I afford?
  • How much money will I need to live?
  • How do I plan for a sustainable future?
  • How do we agree the split of our assets?
  • How do I manage my financial assets that I will be given?
  • What about my pension and retirement?

RedWave Advisory LLC will work with you in answering those concerns and provide a critical role in the divorce process. We can work in conjunction with your solicitor in negotiating an equitable financial settlement and avoid costly mistakes that could have repercussions for many years into the future.

The legal formality of getting divorced is a relatively straightforward process. What is less straightforward is sorting out the practical issues in splitting the financial assets to meet both the short term and long-term financial goals of both parties involved, and plan for a sustainable future.

Our divorce service can include:

  • Helping you complete the Form E (which sets out your financial details). We can help obtain current information relating to pension plans, investments and savings in a timely and cost-effective manner.
  • Upon the exchange of the Form E, check for errors or inconsistencies such as inaccurate pension values (cash equivalent transfer values) or missing information.
  • We can help identify and explain the various options in dealing with pension benefits.
  • We can provide cash flow analysis to help you consider the implications of accepting a financial settlement and how it may affect your future lifestyle.
  • If pension benefits are to be received, we can implement the pension sharing orders.
  • Ethical investment advice to ensure sustainable and responsible future wealth management.

RedWave Advisory LLC has wide experience of dealing with the intricacies of divorce settlements and can offer highly qualified pension transfer specialists.

Following the completion of a divorce settlement, you may find yourself faced with tax, investments and pension planning decisions that you had not previously considered. Our financial planners are specialists in divorce and can support and guide you in dealing with all financial planning issues that can arise. We use our ethical investment advice to help you plan for a sustainable and responsible future.

Contact us

Whether it’s a question about your personal finances or how you can invest your wealth ethically, we are here to help. Call us on 074 1834 9029, email info@red-wave.uk or complete the form: